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Flight MFC91051

  • Submitted By: William Butler
  • Departure Airport: Khutze River (PF17)
  • Arrival Airport: Kimsquit River Logging Camp (P32B)
  • Aircraft: CIRCUS SR22 (NS22MM)
  • Flight Time: 00.54.03
  • Date Submitted: 19/11/23
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(25 load / $ 57.00 per unit
$ 1, 425.00
Fuel Cost:
(176.447 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 899.88

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[22:29] ----- Flight Opened -----
[22:29] Cigar Box -
[22:29] FS: FSX
[22:29] FSUIPC: v4.929
[22:29] Flight Number: MFC91051
[22:29] FS Aircraft: Douglas C-47 V3
[22:29] FS Model: DC3
[22:29] FS Type: Douglas
[22:29] Departure: PF17
[22:29] Arrival: P32B
[22:29] Flight Level: 9500
[22:29] Flight Type: H
[22:29] Passengers: 25
[22:29] FOB: 2118 lbs
[22:29] Gate: n/a
[22:29] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[22:29] Crash Detection: Disabled
[22:29] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[22:29] Engines: 2 Piston
[22:29] NOTE: Boarding has started
[22:29] FS: Paused
[22:29] Engine 1: Started
[22:29] Engine 2: Started
[22:29] Light Data: Navigation ON
[22:29] Light Data: Beacon ON
[22:29] Main Door Closed
[22:29] COM1: 128.30
[22:29] COM2: 127.80
[22:29] Transponder: 1200
[22:29] NAV1: 113.70
[22:29] NAV2: 110.60
[22:29] ADF1: 284.0
[22:29] ADF2: 240.0
[22:29] Navigation Mode: NAV
[22:29] FS: Unpaused
[22:29] NOTE: Taxi started
[22:31] FS: Paused
[22:31] FS: Unpaused
[22:33] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[22:33] GS: 54 knots
[22:33] TAS: 55 knots
[22:33] IAS: 55 knots
[22:33] VS: 6 fpm
[22:33] FOB: 2101 lbs
[22:33] Heading: 279°
[22:33] Pitch: 11°
[22:33] Bank: 0°
[22:33] Aircraft Weight: 22021.45 lbs
[22:33] Nearest Airport: PF17
[22:33] Distance: 0.02 miles
[22:33] Runway: ???
[22:33] Ground Surface: Forest
[22:33] Ground Condition: Normal
[22:33] NOTE: Weather Report
[22:33] Wind Heading: 339°
[22:33] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[22:33] OAT: 15° C
[22:33] TAT: 15° C
[22:33] Precipitation: None
[22:33] Dew Point: 5° C
[22:33] Visibility: 62 miles
[22:33] METAR:
[22:33] NOTE: Climb started
[22:34] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[22:34] Landing Gear: Retracted
[22:34] GS: 85 knots
[22:34] TAS: 86 knots
[22:34] IAS: 86 knots
[22:34] VS: 1230 fpm
[22:34] AGL: 213 ft
[22:34] AMSL: 213 ft
[22:40] FS: Paused
[22:40] FS: Unpaused
[22:43] NOTE: TOC reached
[22:43] NOTE: Cruise started
[22:43] GS: 99 knots
[22:43] TAS: 103 knots
[22:43] IAS: 89 knots
[22:43] VS: 196 fpm
[22:43] FOB: 1993 lbs
[22:43] Heading: 178°
[22:43] Pitch: 5°
[22:43] Bank: 0°
[22:43] Aircraft Weight: 21913.17 lbs
[22:49] Recovery: Flight Saved
[23:03] FS: Paused
[23:03] FS: Unpaused
[23:05] Recovery: Flight Saved
[23:05] FS: Paused
[23:05] FS: Unpaused
[23:09] NOTE: TOD reached
[23:09] NOTE: Descent started
[23:09] GS: 173 knots
[23:09] TAS: 156 knots
[23:09] IAS: 138 knots
[23:09] VS: -612 fpm
[23:09] FOB: 1799 lbs
[23:09] Heading: 33°
[23:09] Pitch: 1°
[23:09] Bank: -1°
[23:09] Aircraft Weight: 21719.34 lbs
[23:10] NOTE: On approach
[23:13] Flaps: Position 1
[23:13] GS: 139 knots
[23:13] TAS: 129 knots
[23:13] IAS: 117 knots
[23:13] VS: 552 fpm
[23:17] Flaps: Position 2
[23:17] GS: 108 knots
[23:17] TAS: 116 knots
[23:17] IAS: 108 knots
[23:17] VS: -579 fpm
[23:17] Landing Gear: Extended
[23:17] GS: 103 knots
[23:17] TAS: 110 knots
[23:17] IAS: 103 knots
[23:17] VS: -798 fpm
[23:17] AGL: 4501 ft
[23:17] AMSL: 4501 ft
[23:19] Flaps: Position 3
[23:19] GS: 110 knots
[23:19] TAS: 111 knots
[23:19] IAS: 110 knots
[23:19] VS: -677 fpm
[23:20] Flaps: Position 4
[23:20] GS: 85 knots
[23:20] TAS: 86 knots
[23:20] IAS: 86 knots
[23:20] VS: -261 fpm
[23:23] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[23:23] Landing Rate: 0.00 fpm
[23:23] GS: 60 knots
[23:23] TAS: 59 knots
[23:23] IAS: 59 knots
[23:23] VS: -3 fpm
[23:23] FOB: 1733 lbs
[23:23] Heading: 302°
[23:23] Pitch: 7°
[23:23] Bank: 0°
[23:23] Aircraft Weight: 21653.85 lbs
[23:23] Nearest Airport: KIMQ
[23:23] Distance: 0.05 miles
[23:23] Runway: ???
[23:23] Ground Surface: Forest
[23:23] Ground Condition: Normal
[23:23] NOTE: Weather Report
[23:23] Wind Heading: 339°
[23:23] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[23:23] OAT: 15° C
[23:23] TAT: 15° C
[23:23] Precipitation: None
[23:23] Dew Point: 5° C
[23:23] Visibility: 62 miles
[23:23] METAR:
[23:23] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[23:23] NOTE: Taxi started
[23:23] FS: Paused
[23:23] FS: Unpaused
[23:25] Main Door Open
[23:25] Flaps: Position 3
[23:25] Flaps: Position 2
[23:25] Flaps: Position 1
[23:25] Gate: n/a
[23:25] NOTE: Flight Completed
[23:25] FS Aircraft: Douglas C-47 V3
[23:25] FS Model: DC3
[23:25] FS Type: Douglas
[23:25] FOB: 1729 lbs
[23:25] Fuel Used: 389 lbs
[23:25] Flight Time: 00:54:03
[23:25] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[23:25] Flight Time (Day): 00:54:03
[23:25] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[23:25] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[23:25] Total Landings: 1
[23:25] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[23:25] Cigar Box -
[23:25] ----- Flight Closed -----


Commenter Comment
William Butler Enjoyable flight-
Norm Richards Landing Rate: 0.00 fpm. Well that is the softest landing ever in a C-47 I have ever seen.. or it didn't register. Still worked though. Nice Flight. Norm
William Butler Norm, It was the best approached and landing I have done in the C47. From my perspective the landing just before this one was good but not as good as this one. I now try to keep the airspeed just above 80Kts on short final so the plane doesn't descend when the nose is raised on landing. As I flared the nose on this landing the VSI was at 0.00 or passing through 0.00. I could hardly feel the touchdown. It may be the runway climbs a little and the plane was just flown onto the ground. I don't know how well ground effect is simulated in the Sim. You will have to be judge of whether the landing rate was recorded or not. But I thought I would give you my thinking on the landing.

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