Welcome to our Virtual Airline

Flight MFC181051

  • Submitted By: William Butler
  • Departure Airport: Annette Island (PANT)
  • Arrival Airport: Mistys Place (PF20)
  • Aircraft: TWOTTER DHC6 (N255MM)
  • Flight Time: 00.10.31
  • Date Submitted: 19/12/19
  • Route: DIRECT
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(15 load / $ 19.00 per unit
$ 285.00
Fuel Cost:
(16.7829 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 85.59

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[00:55] ----- Flight Opened -----
[00:55] Cigar Box -
[00:55] FS: FSX
[00:55] FSUIPC: v4.929
[00:55] Flight Number: MFC181051
[00:55] FS Aircraft: Aerosoft DHC-6 300 Tundra PAX
[00:55] FS Model: DHC6
[00:55] FS Type: DeHavilland
[00:55] Departure: PANT
[00:55] Arrival: PF20
[00:55] Flight Level: 2500
[00:55] Flight Type: H
[00:55] Passengers: 15
[00:55] FOB: 2764 lbs
[00:55] Gate: n/a
[00:55] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[00:55] Crash Detection: Disabled
[00:55] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[00:55] Engines: 2 Turboprop
[00:55] NOTE: Boarding has started
[00:55] FS: Paused
[00:55] Engine 1: Started
[00:55] Engine 2: Started
[00:55] Light Data: Beacon ON
[00:55] Main Door Closed
[00:55] COM1: 128.30
[00:55] COM2: 127.80
[00:55] Transponder: 1200
[00:55] NAV1: 113.70
[00:55] NAV2: 110.60
[00:55] ADF1: 284.0
[00:55] ADF2: 240.0
[00:55] Navigation Mode: NAV
[00:55] FS: Unpaused
[00:56] NOTE: Taxi started
[00:57] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[00:57] GS: 91 knots
[00:57] TAS: 91 knots
[00:57] IAS: 91 knots
[00:57] VS: 20 fpm
[00:57] FOB: 2757 lbs
[00:57] Heading: 317°
[00:57] Pitch: 4°
[00:57] Bank: 0°
[00:57] Aircraft Weight: 9947.21 lbs
[00:57] Nearest Airport: PANT
[00:57] Distance: 0.19 miles
[00:57] Runway: 30 - PANT
[00:57] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[00:57] Ground Condition: Normal
[00:57] NOTE: Weather Report
[00:57] Wind Heading: 338°
[00:57] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[00:57] OAT: 14° C
[00:57] TAT: 16° C
[00:57] Precipitation: None
[00:57] Dew Point: 4° C
[00:57] Visibility: 62 miles
[00:57] METAR:
[00:57] NOTE: Climb started
[00:57] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[00:58] FS: Paused
[00:58] FS: Unpaused
[01:00] Flaps: Position 1
[01:00] GS: 87 knots
[01:00] TAS: 88 knots
[01:00] IAS: 88 knots
[01:00] VS: -276 fpm
[01:00] Flaps: Position 2
[01:00] GS: 83 knots
[01:00] TAS: 84 knots
[01:00] IAS: 84 knots
[01:00] VS: -19 fpm
[01:01] Flaps: Position 3
[01:01] GS: 69 knots
[01:01] TAS: 70 knots
[01:01] IAS: 70 knots
[01:01] VS: -342 fpm
[01:01] Flaps: Position 4
[01:01] GS: 79 knots
[01:01] TAS: 81 knots
[01:01] IAS: 80 knots
[01:01] VS: 16 fpm
[01:02] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[01:02] Landing Rate: -272.98 fpm
[01:02] GS: 56 knots
[01:02] TAS: 56 knots
[01:02] IAS: 56 knots
[01:02] VS: -261 fpm
[01:02] FOB: 2737 lbs
[01:02] Heading: 347°
[01:02] Pitch: 5°
[01:02] Bank: -3°
[01:02] Aircraft Weight: 9926.90 lbs
[01:02] Nearest Airport: PF20
[01:02] Distance: 0.04 miles
[01:02] Runway: ???
[01:02] Ground Surface: Grass Bumpy
[01:02] Ground Condition: Normal
[01:02] NOTE: Weather Report
[01:02] Wind Heading: 338°
[01:02] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[01:02] OAT: 15° C
[01:02] TAT: 15° C
[01:02] Precipitation: None
[01:02] Dew Point: 5° C
[01:02] Visibility: 62 miles
[01:02] METAR:
[01:02] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[01:02] NOTE: Taxi started
[01:06] Engine 1: Stopped
[01:06] Engine 2: Stopped
[01:06] Gate: n/a
[01:06] NOTE: Flight Completed
[01:06] FS Aircraft: Aerosoft DHC-6 300 Tundra PAX
[01:06] FS Model: DHC6
[01:06] FS Type: DeHavilland
[01:06] FOB: 2727 lbs
[01:06] Fuel Used: 37 lbs
[01:06] Flight Time: 00:10:31
[01:06] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[01:06] Flight Time (Day): 00:10:31
[01:06] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[01:06] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[01:06] Total Landings: 1
[01:06] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[01:06] Cigar Box -
[01:06] ----- Flight Closed -----


Commenter Comment
Norm Richards MFC0008 Twin Otter-Rainbow Excursion complete! Award coming up Bill. And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours there in NM. Norm
Norm Richards MFC0008 Twin Otter-Rainbow Excursion complete! Award coming up Bill. And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours there in NM. Norm

Route Map

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