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Flight MFC211051

  • Submitted By: William Butler
  • Departure Airport: Cape Decision (TF01)
  • Arrival Airport: Labouchere Bay Brads BBQ (TF19)
  • Aircraft: BARON B58 (N008MM)
  • Flight Time: 00.37.28
  • Date Submitted: 20/01/22
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(3 load / $ 66.00 per unit
$ 198.00
Fuel Cost:
(39.9161 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 203.57

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[14:11] ----- Flight Opened -----
[14:11] Cigar Box -
[14:11] FS: FSX
[14:11] FSUIPC: v4.929
[14:11] Flight Number: MFC211051
[14:11] FS Aircraft: Soloy MK1 Float Transport N5194T
[14:11] FS Model: C206
[14:11] FS Type: Cessna
[14:11] Departure: TF01
[14:11] Arrival: TF19
[14:11] Flight Level: 3500
[14:11] Flight Type: H
[14:11] Passengers: 3
[14:11] FOB: 589 lbs
[14:11] Gate: n/a
[14:11] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[14:11] Crash Detection: Disabled
[14:11] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[14:11] Engines: 1 Turboprop
[14:11] NOTE: Boarding has started
[14:11] Engine 1: Started
[14:11] Flaps: Position 1
[14:11] Light Data: Beacon ON
[14:11] Main Door Closed
[14:11] NOTE: Taxi started
[14:11] FS: Paused
[14:11] COM1: 128.30
[14:11] COM2: 127.80
[14:11] Transponder: 1200
[14:11] NAV1: 113.70
[14:11] NAV2: 110.60
[14:11] ADF1: 284.0
[14:11] ADF2: 240.0
[14:11] Navigation Mode: NAV
[14:11] FS: Unpaused
[14:12] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[14:12] GS: 69 knots
[14:12] TAS: 70 knots
[14:12] IAS: 70 knots
[14:12] VS: -5 fpm
[14:12] FOB: 588 lbs
[14:12] Heading: 298°
[14:12] Pitch: 3°
[14:12] Bank: 0°
[14:12] Aircraft Weight: 3629.34 lbs
[14:12] Nearest Airport: PTF2
[14:12] Distance: 0.14 miles
[14:12] Runway: ???
[14:12] Ground Surface: Water
[14:12] Ground Condition: Normal
[14:12] NOTE: Weather Report
[14:12] Wind Heading: 338°
[14:12] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[14:12] OAT: 15° C
[14:12] TAT: 15° C
[14:12] Precipitation: None
[14:12] Dew Point: 5° C
[14:12] Visibility: 62 miles
[14:12] METAR:
[14:12] NOTE: Climb started
[14:12] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[14:13] Flaps: Position 0
[14:13] GS: 104 knots
[14:13] TAS: 106 knots
[14:13] IAS: 106 knots
[14:13] VS: 780 fpm
[14:16] NOTE: TOC reached
[14:16] NOTE: Cruise started
[14:16] GS: 120 knots
[14:16] TAS: 122 knots
[14:16] IAS: 116 knots
[14:16] VS: 196 fpm
[14:16] FOB: 572 lbs
[14:16] Heading: 304°
[14:16] Pitch: 0°
[14:16] Bank: 3°
[14:16] Aircraft Weight: 3613.48 lbs
[14:19] NOTE: TOD reached
[14:19] NOTE: Descent started
[14:19] GS: 118 knots
[14:19] TAS: 119 knots
[14:19] IAS: 114 knots
[14:19] VS: -571 fpm
[14:19] FOB: 564 lbs
[14:19] Heading: 303°
[14:19] Pitch: 1°
[14:19] Bank: 0°
[14:19] Aircraft Weight: 3605.74 lbs
[14:19] NOTE: On approach
[14:24] Flaps: Position 1
[14:24] GS: 104 knots
[14:24] TAS: 105 knots
[14:24] IAS: 104 knots
[14:24] VS: 16 fpm
[14:25] Flaps: Position 2
[14:25] GS: 99 knots
[14:25] TAS: 99 knots
[14:25] IAS: 99 knots
[14:25] VS: 288 fpm
[14:28] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[14:28] Landing Rate: -16.15 fpm
[14:28] GS: 71 knots
[14:28] TAS: 73 knots
[14:28] IAS: 73 knots
[14:28] VS: -15 fpm
[14:28] FOB: 550 lbs
[14:28] Heading: 244°
[14:28] Pitch: 2°
[14:28] Bank: 0°
[14:28] Aircraft Weight: 3591.35 lbs
[14:28] Nearest Airport: PWR
[14:28] Distance: 1.19 miles
[14:28] Runway: ???
[14:28] Ground Surface: Water
[14:28] Ground Condition: Normal
[14:28] NOTE: Weather Report
[14:28] Wind Heading: 338°
[14:28] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[14:28] OAT: 15° C
[14:28] TAT: 16° C
[14:28] Precipitation: None
[14:28] Dew Point: 5° C
[14:28] Visibility: 62 miles
[14:28] METAR:
[14:28] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[14:28] NOTE: Taxi started
[14:30] Flaps: Position 1
[14:30] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[14:31] Flaps: Position 0
[14:31] GS: 104 knots
[14:31] TAS: 106 knots
[14:31] IAS: 105 knots
[14:31] VS: 1734 fpm
[14:37] Recovery: Flight Saved
[14:45] Flaps: Position 1
[14:45] GS: 108 knots
[14:45] TAS: 109 knots
[14:45] IAS: 109 knots
[14:45] VS: -6 fpm
[14:46] Flaps: Position 2
[14:46] GS: 101 knots
[14:46] TAS: 101 knots
[14:46] IAS: 100 knots
[14:46] VS: -20 fpm
[14:48] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[14:48] Landing Rate: -279.13 fpm
[14:48] GS: 79 knots
[14:48] TAS: 81 knots
[14:48] IAS: 81 knots
[14:48] VS: -281 fpm
[14:48] FOB: 502 lbs
[14:48] Heading: 134°
[14:48] Pitch: 1°
[14:48] Bank: 0°
[14:48] Aircraft Weight: 3543.84 lbs
[14:48] Nearest Airport: TF08
[14:48] Distance: 0.64 miles
[14:48] Runway: ???
[14:48] Ground Surface: Water
[14:48] Ground Condition: Normal
[14:48] NOTE: Weather Report
[14:48] Wind Heading: 338°
[14:48] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[14:48] OAT: 15° C
[14:48] TAT: 16° C
[14:48] Precipitation: None
[14:48] Dew Point: 5° C
[14:48] Visibility: 62 miles
[14:48] METAR:
[14:48] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[14:49] Engine 1: Stopped
[14:49] Gate: n/a
[14:49] NOTE: Flight Completed
[14:49] FS Aircraft: Soloy MK1 Float Transport N5194T
[14:49] FS Model: C206
[14:49] FS Type: Cessna
[14:49] FOB: 502 lbs
[14:49] Fuel Used: 88 lbs
[14:49] Flight Time: 00:37:28
[14:49] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[14:49] Flight Time (Day): 00:37:28
[14:49] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[14:49] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[14:49] Total Landings: 2
[14:49] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[14:49] Cigar Box -
[14:49] ----- Flight Closed -----


Commenter Comment
William Butler Flew the Soloy Mark 1. One of my best landings and one of my worst. On second landing was a 100ft above the water, Plane was stable at 100kts, Not descending, I reduced power ever so slightly but too much plane did begin to descent, raised the nose to slow descent (doesn't work in turbine)added power but with delay in power coming on plane contacted the water even from less than 100ft the descent rate registers high. In the first landing I managed the above variables very well. I am learning and am enjoying it very much!

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