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Flight MFC241051

  • Submitted By: William Butler
  • Departure Airport: Wrangell (PAWG)
  • Arrival Airport: Wrangell SPB (68A)
  • Aircraft: CESSNA 172 (N172MM)
  • Flight Time: 00.31.47
  • Date Submitted: 20/01/31
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(250 load / $ 39.00 per unit
$ 9, 750.00
Fuel Cost:
(13.1542 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 67.09

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[18:52] ----- Flight Opened -----
[18:52] Cigar Box -
[18:52] FS: FSX
[18:52] FSUIPC: v4.929
[18:52] Flight Number: MFC241051
[18:52] FS Aircraft: American Champion Scout FSX Amph Utility
[18:52] FS Model: Scout
[18:52] FS Type: Bellanca
[18:52] Departure: PAWG
[18:52] Arrival: 68A
[18:52] Flight Level: 2500
[18:52] Flight Type: H
[18:52] Passengers: 0
[18:52] FOB: 216 lbs
[18:52] Gate: n/a
[18:52] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[18:52] Crash Detection: Disabled
[18:52] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[18:52] Engines: 1 Piston
[18:52] NOTE: Boarding has started
[18:52] NOTE: Taxi started
[18:52] Engine 1: Started
[18:52] Light Data: Beacon ON
[18:52] Light Data: Taxi lights ON
[18:52] Main Door Closed
[18:52] COM1: 128.30
[18:52] COM2: 127.80
[18:52] Transponder: 1200
[18:52] NAV1: 113.70
[18:52] NAV2: 110.60
[18:52] ADF1: 284.0
[18:52] ADF2: 240.0
[18:52] Navigation Mode: NAV
[18:52] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[18:52] GS: 56 knots
[18:52] TAS: 56 knots
[18:52] IAS: 56 knots
[18:52] VS: 5 fpm
[18:52] FOB: 215 lbs
[18:52] Heading: 95°
[18:52] Pitch: 8°
[18:52] Bank: 0°
[18:52] Aircraft Weight: 2055.96 lbs
[18:52] Nearest Airport: PAWG
[18:52] Distance: 0.23 miles
[18:52] Runway: 10 - PAWG
[18:52] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[18:52] Ground Condition: Normal
[18:52] NOTE: Weather Report
[18:52] Wind Heading: 338°
[18:52] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[18:52] OAT: 14° C
[18:52] TAT: 15° C
[18:52] Precipitation: None
[18:52] Dew Point: 4° C
[18:52] Visibility: 62 miles
[18:52] METAR: PAWG 310056Z 16003KT 10SM FEW035 SCT090 05/M01 A2945 RMK AO2 SLP973 P0001 T00501006
[18:52] NOTE: Climb started
[18:52] Landing Gear: Retracted
[18:52] GS: 62 knots
[18:52] TAS: 62 knots
[18:52] IAS: 62 knots
[18:52] VS: 227 fpm
[18:52] AGL: 30 ft
[18:52] AMSL: 52 ft
[18:52] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[19:08] Flaps: Position 1
[19:08] GS: 87 knots
[19:08] TAS: 87 knots
[19:08] IAS: 87 knots
[19:08] VS: -16 fpm
[19:09] Flaps: Position 2
[19:09] GS: 79 knots
[19:09] TAS: 81 knots
[19:09] IAS: 80 knots
[19:09] VS: -34 fpm
[19:09] Flaps: Position 3
[19:09] GS: 73 knots
[19:09] TAS: 75 knots
[19:09] IAS: 75 knots
[19:09] VS: -259 fpm
[19:10] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[19:10] Landing Rate: -73.05 fpm
[19:10] GS: 48 knots
[19:10] TAS: 47 knots
[19:10] IAS: 47 knots
[19:10] VS: -73 fpm
[19:10] FOB: 197 lbs
[19:10] Heading: 43°
[19:10] Pitch: 9°
[19:10] Bank: 0°
[19:10] Aircraft Weight: 2037.81 lbs
[19:10] Nearest Airport: SERG
[19:10] Distance: 0.25 miles
[19:10] Runway: ???
[19:10] Ground Surface: Water
[19:10] Ground Condition: Normal
[19:10] NOTE: Weather Report
[19:10] Wind Heading: 337°
[19:10] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[19:10] OAT: 15° C
[19:10] TAT: 15° C
[19:10] Precipitation: None
[19:10] Dew Point: 5° C
[19:10] Visibility: 62 miles
[19:10] METAR:
[19:10] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[19:11] Flaps: Position 4
[19:11] NOTE: Taxi started
[19:11] Flaps: Position 3
[19:11] Flaps: Position 2
[19:11] Flaps: Position 1
[19:11] Flaps: Position 0
[19:11] Landing Gear: Extended
[19:11] Landing Gear: Retracted
[19:12] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[19:18] Flaps: Position 1
[19:18] GS: 97 knots
[19:18] TAS: 98 knots
[19:18] IAS: 97 knots
[19:18] VS: 56 fpm
[19:18] Flaps: Position 2
[19:18] GS: 87 knots
[19:18] TAS: 89 knots
[19:18] IAS: 88 knots
[19:18] VS: 52 fpm
[19:21] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[19:21] Landing Rate: -37.68 fpm
[19:21] GS: 50 knots
[19:21] TAS: 51 knots
[19:21] IAS: 51 knots
[19:21] VS: -38 fpm
[19:21] FOB: 187 lbs
[19:21] Heading: 142°
[19:21] Pitch: 7°
[19:21] Bank: 0°
[19:21] Aircraft Weight: 2027.59 lbs
[19:21] Nearest Airport: PTF1
[19:21] Distance: 0.82 miles
[19:21] Runway: ???
[19:21] Ground Surface: Water
[19:21] Ground Condition: Normal
[19:21] NOTE: Weather Report
[19:21] Wind Heading: 338°
[19:21] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[19:21] OAT: 15° C
[19:21] TAT: 15° C
[19:21] Precipitation: None
[19:21] Dew Point: 5° C
[19:21] Visibility: 62 miles
[19:21] METAR:
[19:21] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[19:22] Flaps: Position 1
[19:22] Flaps: Position 0
[19:24] Engine 1: Stopped
[19:25] Gate: n/a
[19:25] NOTE: Flight Completed
[19:25] FS Aircraft: American Champion Scout FSX Amph Utility
[19:25] FS Model: Scout
[19:25] FS Type: Bellanca
[19:25] FOB: 187 lbs
[19:25] Fuel Used: 29 lbs
[19:25] Flight Time: 00:31:47
[19:25] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[19:25] Flight Time (Day): 00:31:47
[19:25] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[19:25] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[19:25] Total Landings: 2
[19:25] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[19:25] Cigar Box -
[19:25] ----- Flight Closed -----


Commenter Comment
William Butler Wanted to fly the Real Air Scout amphib. Selected the PA-18 in Cigars but will continue to fly the Scout. Checked the forum and found your comment on this issue.
Norm Richards Right on sir. Indeed one can fly any plane for any leg - no matter what aircraft you selected for the tour. A nice piece of cigar box to alter the aircraft used. Norm
Norm Richards Great landings with that scout too!! Nice job.

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