Welcome to our Virtual Airline

Flight MFST00209

  • Submitted By: Jose Luis Fernandez De Castro
  • Departure Airport: Palacios Municipal (KPSX)
  • Arrival Airport: Eagle Air Park (2TE0)
  • Aircraft: PORTER PC6 (NPC06MM)
  • Flight Time: 00.53.38
  • Date Submitted: 23/05/11
  • Route: STOP XS07. KBYY
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(7 load / $ 50.00 per unit
$ 350.00
Fuel Cost:
(60.3278 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 307.67

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[19:20] ----- Flight Opened -----
[19:20] Cigar Box -
[19:20] FS:
[19:20] FSUIPC: v7,32
[19:20] Flight Number: MFST00209
[19:20] FS Aircraft: Blackbird Turbo Porter JA8228 Wheels Analog
[19:20] FS Model: Turbo Porter
[19:20] FS Type: Pilatus
[19:20] Departure: KPSX
[19:20] Arrival: 2TE0
[19:20] Flight Level: 5500
[19:20] Flight Type: P
[19:20] Passengers: 7
[19:20] FOB: 1000 lbs
[19:20] Distance to Departure: 0,29 miles
[19:20] Gate: n/a
[19:20] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[19:20] Crash Detection: Disabled
[19:20] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[19:20] Engines: 1 Turboprop
[19:20] NOTE: Boarding has started
[19:20] Parking Brake: Engaged
[19:20] Engine 1: Started
[19:20] Flaps: Position 3
[19:20] Light Data: Navigation ON
[19:20] Light Data: Beacon ON
[19:20] Light Data: Landing lights ON
[19:20] Light Data: Instrument lights ON
[19:20] Light Data: Cabin lights ON
[19:20] Main Door Closed
[19:20] Flaps: Position 4
[19:20] COM1: 122.80
[19:20] COM2: 124.85
[19:20] Transponder: 1200
[19:20] NAV1: 110.50
[19:20] NAV2: 110.50
[19:20] ADF1: 890.0
[19:20] ADF2: 890.0
[19:20] Navigation Mode: GPS
[19:20] Navigation Mode: GPS
[19:20] Parking Brake: Released
[19:20] NOTE: Taxi started
[19:20] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[19:20] GS: 75 knots
[19:20] TAS: 75 knots
[19:20] IAS: 75 knots
[19:20] VS: 12 fpm
[19:20] FOB: 998 lbs
[19:20] Heading: 127°
[19:20] Pitch: 1°
[19:20] Bank: 0°
[19:20] Aircraft Weight: 4413,47 lbs
[19:20] Nearest Airport: KPSX
[19:20] Distance: 0,14 miles
[19:20] Runway: 13 - KPSX
[19:20] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[19:20] Ground Condition: Normal
[19:20] NOTE: Weather Report
[19:20] Wind Heading: 267°
[19:20] Wind Speed: 1 knots
[19:20] OAT: 14° C
[19:20] TAT: 15° C
[19:20] Precipitation: None
[19:20] Dew Point: 0° C
[19:20] Visibility: 86 miles
[19:20] METAR: KPSX 101036Z AUTO 28015G25KT 3/4SM +TSRA BR FEW004 SCT009 OVC013 20/20 A2983 RMK AO2 PK WND 32026/1016 LTG DSNT ALQDS P0203 T02000200
[19:20] NOTE: Climb started
[19:20] Flaps: Position 0
[19:20] GS: 87 knots
[19:20] TAS: 87 knots
[19:20] IAS: 87 knots
[19:20] VS: 635 fpm
[19:20] Autopilot: Engaged
[19:20] AGL: 121 ft
[19:20] AMSL: 134 ft
[19:21] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[19:21] Autopilot: Disengaged
[19:21] AGL: 229 ft
[19:21] AMSL: 242 ft
[19:22] Autopilot: Engaged
[19:22] AGL: 1139 ft
[19:22] AMSL: 1148 ft
[19:22] Navigation Mode: NAV
[19:25] Autopilot: Disengaged
[19:25] AGL: 423 ft
[19:25] AMSL: 439 ft
[19:25] Autopilot: Engaged
[19:25] AGL: 1178 ft
[19:25] AMSL: 1194 ft
[19:26] Autopilot: Disengaged
[19:26] AGL: 1178 ft
[19:26] AMSL: 1194 ft
[19:26] Autopilot: Engaged
[19:26] AGL: 1519 ft
[19:26] AMSL: 1535 ft
[20:09] Autopilot: Disengaged
[20:09] AGL: 676 ft
[20:09] AMSL: 698 ft
[20:12] Stall: Encountered
[20:12] GS: 83 knots
[20:12] TAS: 81 knots
[20:12] IAS: 80 knots
[20:12] VS: -421 fpm
[20:12] Stall: Corrected
[20:12] GS: 56 knots
[20:12] TAS: 66 knots
[20:12] IAS: 67 knots
[20:12] VS: 3063 fpm
[20:12] Spoilers: Extended
[20:12] GS: 58 knots
[20:12] TAS: 58 knots
[20:12] IAS: 57 knots
[20:12] VS: 1476 fpm
[20:12] Stall: Encountered
[20:12] GS: 64 knots
[20:12] TAS: 65 knots
[20:12] IAS: 64 knots
[20:12] VS: -1574 fpm
[20:12] Stall: Corrected
[20:12] GS: 68 knots
[20:12] TAS: 70 knots
[20:12] IAS: 69 knots
[20:12] VS: -1722 fpm
[20:12] Stall: Encountered
[20:12] GS: 68 knots
[20:12] TAS: 69 knots
[20:12] IAS: 69 knots
[20:12] VS: -1957 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Corrected
[20:13] GS: 69 knots
[20:13] TAS: 70 knots
[20:13] IAS: 70 knots
[20:13] VS: -1848 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Encountered
[20:13] GS: 69 knots
[20:13] TAS: 69 knots
[20:13] IAS: 69 knots
[20:13] VS: -1783 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Retracted
[20:13] GS: 69 knots
[20:13] TAS: 69 knots
[20:13] IAS: 69 knots
[20:13] VS: -1783 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Corrected
[20:13] GS: 68 knots
[20:13] TAS: 67 knots
[20:13] IAS: 67 knots
[20:13] VS: -1480 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Encountered
[20:13] GS: 68 knots
[20:13] TAS: 65 knots
[20:13] IAS: 65 knots
[20:13] VS: -1278 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Corrected
[20:13] GS: 69 knots
[20:13] TAS: 70 knots
[20:13] IAS: 69 knots
[20:13] VS: -1134 fpm
[20:13] Flaps: Position 1
[20:13] GS: 85 knots
[20:13] TAS: 84 knots
[20:13] IAS: 83 knots
[20:13] VS: -1146 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Extended
[20:13] GS: 89 knots
[20:13] TAS: 89 knots
[20:13] IAS: 89 knots
[20:13] VS: -65 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Retracted
[20:13] GS: 87 knots
[20:13] TAS: 87 knots
[20:13] IAS: 87 knots
[20:13] VS: -602 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Encountered
[20:13] GS: 81 knots
[20:13] TAS: 81 knots
[20:13] IAS: 81 knots
[20:13] VS: -180 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Corrected
[20:13] GS: 81 knots
[20:13] TAS: 80 knots
[20:13] IAS: 81 knots
[20:13] VS: -180 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Extended
[20:13] GS: 73 knots
[20:13] TAS: 72 knots
[20:13] IAS: 72 knots
[20:13] VS: -31 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Retracted
[20:13] GS: 71 knots
[20:13] TAS: 72 knots
[20:13] IAS: 72 knots
[20:13] VS: -366 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Extended
[20:13] GS: 71 knots
[20:13] TAS: 70 knots
[20:13] IAS: 70 knots
[20:13] VS: -552 fpm
[20:13] Stall: Encountered
[20:13] GS: 62 knots
[20:13] TAS: 61 knots
[20:13] IAS: 61 knots
[20:13] VS: -502 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Retracted
[20:13] GS: 62 knots
[20:13] TAS: 61 knots
[20:13] IAS: 61 knots
[20:13] VS: -502 fpm
[20:13] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[20:13] Landing Rate: -394,47 fpm
[20:13] GS: 60 knots
[20:13] TAS: 60 knots
[20:13] IAS: 60 knots
[20:13] VS: -394 fpm
[20:13] FOB: 868 lbs
[20:13] Heading: 128°
[20:13] Pitch: 8°
[20:13] Bank: -1°
[20:13] Aircraft Weight: 4283,53 lbs
[20:13] Nearest Airport: 2TE0
[20:13] Distance: 0,01 miles
[20:13] Runway: ???
[20:13] Ground Surface: Dirt
[20:13] Ground Condition: Normal
[20:13] NOTE: Weather Report
[20:13] Wind Heading: 267°
[20:13] Wind Speed: 1 knots
[20:13] OAT: 14° C
[20:13] TAT: 15° C
[20:13] Precipitation: None
[20:13] Dew Point: 0° C
[20:13] Visibility: 86 miles
[20:13] METAR:
[20:13] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[20:13] Stall: Corrected
[20:13] GS: 60 knots
[20:13] TAS: 59 knots
[20:13] IAS: 59 knots
[20:13] VS: -239 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Extended
[20:13] GS: 60 knots
[20:13] TAS: 59 knots
[20:13] IAS: 59 knots
[20:13] VS: -239 fpm
[20:13] Spoilers: Retracted
[20:13] Flaps: Position 5
[20:14] NOTE: Taxi started
[20:14] NOTE: Arrived
[20:14] Parking Brake: Engaged
[20:14] Distance to Arrival: 0,32 miles
[20:14] Gate: n/a
[20:14] NOTE: Flight Completed
[20:14] FS Aircraft: Blackbird Turbo Porter JA8228 Wheels Analog
[20:14] FS Model: Turbo Porter
[20:14] FS Type: Pilatus
[20:14] FOB: 866 lbs
[20:14] Fuel Used: 133 lbs
[20:14] Flight Time: 00:53:38
[20:14] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[20:14] Flight Time (Day): 00:53:38
[20:14] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[20:14] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[20:14] Total Landings: 1
[20:14] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[20:14] Cigar Box -
[20:14] ----- Flight Closed -----

Route Map

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