Welcome to our Virtual Airline

Flight MFCT00850-6A0

  • Submitted By: Jose Luis Fernandez De Castro
  • Departure Airport: Driftwood Bay Air Force Station (PAAM)
  • Arrival Airport: Cape Field at Fort Glenn (PAUA)
  • Aircraft: KODIAK 100 (N490MM)
  • Flight Time: 00.23.53
  • Date Submitted: 23/06/17
  • Route: NO STOPS
  • Status: Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(6 load / $ 51.00 per unit
$ 306.00
Fuel Cost:
(69.8532 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
$ 356.25

Additional Log Information:

View Log

[22:40] ----- Flight Opened -----
[22:40] Cigar Box -
[22:40] FS:
[22:40] FSUIPC: v7,32
[22:40] Flight Number: MFCT00850-6A0
[22:40] FS Aircraft: Kodiak 100 Legacy Livery 6
[22:40] FS Model: KODIAK
[22:40] FS Type: DAHER
[22:40] Departure: PAAM
[22:40] Arrival: PAUA
[22:40] Flight Level: 2500
[22:40] Flight Type: P
[22:40] Passengers: 6
[22:40] FOB: 1025 lbs
[22:40] Distance to Departure: 0,20 miles
[22:40] Gate: n/a
[22:40] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[22:40] Crash Detection: Disabled
[22:40] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[22:40] Engines: 1 Turboprop
[22:40] NOTE: Boarding has started
[22:40] Parking Brake: Engaged
[22:40] Engine 1: Started
[22:40] Flaps: Position 2
[22:40] Light Data: Navigation ON
[22:40] Light Data: Beacon ON
[22:40] Light Data: Landing lights ON
[22:40] Light Data: Strobe lights ON
[22:40] Light Data: Instrument lights ON
[22:40] Light Data: Wing lights ON
[22:40] Light Data: Cabin lights ON
[22:40] Main Door Closed
[22:40] COM1: 122.90
[22:40] COM2: 124.85
[22:40] Transponder: 1200
[22:40] NAV1: 110.50
[22:40] NAV2: 110.50
[22:40] ADF1: 890.0
[22:40] ADF2: 890.0
[22:40] Navigation Mode: GPS
[22:40] Navigation Mode: GPS
[22:40] Parking Brake: Released
[22:40] NOTE: Taxi started
[22:40] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[22:40] GS: 73 knots
[22:40] TAS: 75 knots
[22:40] IAS: 75 knots
[22:40] VS: 33 fpm
[22:40] FOB: 1022 lbs
[22:40] Heading: 336°
[22:40] Pitch: 0°
[22:40] Bank: 0°
[22:40] Aircraft Weight: 5137,23 lbs
[22:40] Nearest Airport: PAAM
[22:40] Distance: 0,03 miles
[22:40] Runway: ???
[22:40] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[22:40] Ground Condition: Normal
[22:40] NOTE: Weather Report
[22:40] Wind Heading: 312°
[22:40] Wind Speed: 1 knots
[22:40] OAT: 6° C
[22:40] TAT: 7° C
[22:40] Precipitation: None
[22:40] Dew Point: 0° C
[22:40] Visibility: 8 miles
[22:40] METAR:
[22:40] NOTE: Climb started
[22:40] Flaps: Position 1
[22:40] GS: 83 knots
[22:40] TAS: 86 knots
[22:40] IAS: 86 knots
[22:40] VS: 1253 fpm
[22:41] View Mode: Spot Plane
[22:41] Autopilot: Engaged
[22:41] AGL: 331 ft
[22:41] AMSL: 331 ft
[22:42] Autopilot: Disengaged
[22:42] AGL: 921 ft
[22:42] AMSL: 921 ft
[22:43] Autopilot: Engaged
[22:43] AGL: 1410 ft
[22:43] AMSL: 1410 ft
[22:43] FS: Paused
[22:43] FS: Unpaused
[22:46] NOTE: TOC reached
[22:46] NOTE: Cruise started
[22:46] GS: 149 knots
[22:46] TAS: 152 knots
[22:46] IAS: 143 knots
[22:46] VS: 198 fpm
[22:46] FOB: 989 lbs
[22:46] Heading: 215°
[22:46] Pitch: 0°
[22:46] Bank: 0°
[22:46] Aircraft Weight: 5103,59 lbs
[22:49] Flaps: Position 0
[22:49] GS: 161 knots
[22:49] TAS: 163 knots
[22:49] IAS: 154 knots
[22:49] VS: 107 fpm
[22:53] NOTE: TOD reached
[22:53] NOTE: Descent started
[22:53] GS: 176 knots
[22:53] TAS: 179 knots
[22:53] IAS: 172 knots
[22:53] VS: -700 fpm
[22:53] FOB: 933 lbs
[22:53] Heading: 213°
[22:53] Pitch: 1°
[22:53] Bank: 0°
[22:53] Aircraft Weight: 5048,37 lbs
[22:53] NOTE: On approach
[23:03] Autopilot: Disengaged
[23:03] AGL: 357 ft
[23:03] AMSL: 357 ft
[23:03] Stall: Encountered
[23:03] GS: 75 knots
[23:03] TAS: 76 knots
[23:03] IAS: 76 knots
[23:03] VS: -652 fpm
[23:03] Stall: Corrected
[23:03] GS: 73 knots
[23:03] TAS: 74 knots
[23:03] IAS: 73 knots
[23:03] VS: -241 fpm
[23:04] Stall: Encountered
[23:04] GS: 71 knots
[23:04] TAS: 71 knots
[23:04] IAS: 70 knots
[23:04] VS: -483 fpm
[23:04] Stall: Corrected
[23:04] GS: 66 knots
[23:04] TAS: 67 knots
[23:04] IAS: 66 knots
[23:04] VS: 103 fpm
[23:04] Stall: Encountered
[23:04] GS: 62 knots
[23:04] TAS: 62 knots
[23:04] IAS: 61 knots
[23:04] VS: 119 fpm
[23:04] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[23:04] Landing Rate: -1178,03 fpm
[23:04] GS: 50 knots
[23:04] TAS: 45 knots
[23:04] IAS: 52 knots
[23:04] VS: -1178 fpm
[23:04] FOB: 872 lbs
[23:04] Heading: 132°
[23:04] Pitch: 50°
[23:04] Bank: 94°
[23:04] Aircraft Weight: 4987,56 lbs
[23:04] Nearest Airport: PAUA
[23:04] Distance: 0,60 miles
[23:04] Runway: ???
[23:04] Ground Surface: Dirt
[23:04] Ground Condition: Normal
[23:04] NOTE: Weather Report
[23:04] Wind Heading: 262°
[23:04] Wind Speed: 1 knots
[23:04] OAT: 14° C
[23:04] TAT: 15° C
[23:04] Precipitation: None
[23:04] Dew Point: 0° C
[23:04] Visibility: 86 miles
[23:04] METAR:
[23:04] View Mode: Spot Plane
[23:04] NOTE: Taxi started
[23:04] Distance to Arrival: 0,57 miles
[23:04] Gate: n/a
[23:04] NOTE: Flight Completed
[23:04] FS Aircraft: Kodiak 100 Legacy Livery 6
[23:04] FS Model: KODIAK
[23:04] FS Type: DAHER
[23:04] FOB: 870 lbs
[23:04] Fuel Used: 154 lbs
[23:04] Flight Time: 00:23:53
[23:04] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[23:04] Flight Time (Day): 00:23:53
[23:04] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[23:04] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[23:04] Total Landings: 1
[23:04] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[23:04] Cigar Box -
[23:04] ----- Flight Closed -----

Route Map

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