Flight MFCT00627-6A1
- Submitted By:
William Butler
- Departure Airport: Plains (S34)
- Arrival Airport: Missoula Intl (KMSO)
- Aircraft: KING AIR 350 (N350MM)
- Flight Time: 00.45.58
- Date Submitted: 23/08/19
- Status:
Gross Revenue:
(15 load / $ 82.80 per unit
| $ 1, 242.00 |
Fuel Cost:
(140.614 fuel used @ 5.1 / unit)
| $ 717.13 |
Additional Log Information:
View Log
[00:21] ----- Flight Opened -----
[00:21] Cigar Box -
[00:21] FS: FSX
[00:21] FSUIPC: v4.929
[00:21] Flight Number: MFCT00627-6A1
[00:21] FS Aircraft: Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 AKLAK AIR
[00:21] FS Model: DHC6
[00:21] FS Type: DeHavilland
[00:21] Departure: S34
[00:21] Arrival: KMSO
[00:21] Flight Level: 9500
[00:21] Flight Type:
[00:21] Passengers: 15
[00:21] FOB: 2767 lbs
[00:21] Distance to Departure: 0.25 miles
[00:21] Gate: n/a
[00:21] NOTE: Parking Brake Ignored
[00:21] Crash Detection: Disabled
[00:21] Crash Detection Aircraft: Disabled
[00:21] Engines: 2 Turboprop
[00:21] NOTE: Boarding has started
[00:21] Parking Brake: Engaged
[00:21] Engine 1: Started
[00:21] Engine 2: Started
[00:21] Light Data: Navigation ON
[00:21] Light Data: Beacon ON
[00:21] Light Data: Taxi lights ON
[00:21] Main Door Closed
[00:21] COM1: 128.30
[00:21] COM2: 127.80
[00:21] Transponder: 1200
[00:21] NAV1: 113.70
[00:21] NAV2: 110.60
[00:21] ADF1: 284.0
[00:21] ADF2: 240.0
[00:21] Navigation Mode: NAV
[00:28] Parking Brake: Released
[00:28] NOTE: Taxi started
[00:30] Flaps: Position 1
[00:31] NOTE: ----- TAKE OFF -----
[00:31] GS: 101 knots
[00:31] TAS: 102 knots
[00:31] IAS: 98 knots
[00:31] VS: 13 fpm
[00:31] FOB: 2742 lbs
[00:31] Heading: 119°
[00:31] Pitch: 1°
[00:31] Bank: 0°
[00:31] Aircraft Weight: 9932.36 lbs
[00:31] Nearest Airport: S34
[00:31] Distance: 0.20 miles
[00:31] Runway: 12 - S34
[00:31] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[00:31] Ground Condition: Normal
[00:31] NOTE: Weather Report
[00:31] Wind Heading: 344°
[00:31] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[00:31] OAT: 10° C
[00:31] TAT: 11° C
[00:31] Precipitation: None
[00:31] Dew Point: 0° C
[00:31] Visibility: 62 miles
[00:31] METAR:
[00:31] NOTE: Climb started
[00:31] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[00:31] Flaps: Position 0
[00:31] GS: 99 knots
[00:31] TAS: 102 knots
[00:31] IAS: 98 knots
[00:31] VS: 2130 fpm
[00:35] NOTE: TOC reached
[00:35] NOTE: Cruise started
[00:35] GS: 130 knots
[00:35] TAS: 124 knots
[00:35] IAS: 108 knots
[00:35] VS: 199 fpm
[00:35] FOB: 2693 lbs
[00:35] Heading: 148°
[00:35] Pitch: 1°
[00:35] Bank: 0°
[00:35] Aircraft Weight: 9883.79 lbs
[00:35] Overspeed: Encountered
[00:35] GS: 202 knots
[00:35] TAS: 198 knots
[00:35] IAS: 175 knots
[00:35] VS: -2275 fpm
[00:36] NOTE: TOD reached
[00:36] NOTE: Descent started
[00:36] GS: 211 knots
[00:36] TAS: 209 knots
[00:36] IAS: 186 knots
[00:36] VS: -2487 fpm
[00:36] FOB: 2685 lbs
[00:36] Heading: 156°
[00:36] Pitch: 8°
[00:36] Bank: -1°
[00:36] Aircraft Weight: 9874.93 lbs
[00:36] NOTE: On approach
[00:36] Overspeed: Corrected
[00:36] GS: 209 knots
[00:36] TAS: 195 knots
[00:36] IAS: 174 knots
[00:36] VS: 961 fpm
[00:45] Overspeed: Encountered
[00:45] GS: 204 knots
[00:45] TAS: 204 knots
[00:45] IAS: 180 knots
[00:45] VS: -848 fpm
[00:45] Overspeed: Corrected
[00:45] GS: 196 knots
[00:45] TAS: 196 knots
[00:45] IAS: 173 knots
[00:45] VS: -81 fpm
[00:45] Flaps: Position 1
[00:45] GS: 192 knots
[00:45] TAS: 199 knots
[00:45] IAS: 176 knots
[00:45] VS: -2244 fpm
[00:45] Overspeed: Encountered
[00:45] GS: 190 knots
[00:45] TAS: 199 knots
[00:45] IAS: 176 knots
[00:45] VS: -2332 fpm
[00:45] Overspeed: Corrected
[00:45] GS: 190 knots
[00:45] TAS: 197 knots
[00:45] IAS: 174 knots
[00:45] VS: -2300 fpm
[00:49] Flaps: Position 2
[00:49] GS: 79 knots
[00:49] TAS: 81 knots
[00:49] IAS: 77 knots
[00:49] VS: 7 fpm
[00:50] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[00:50] Landing Rate: -186.09 fpm
[00:50] GS: 71 knots
[00:50] TAS: 71 knots
[00:50] IAS: 68 knots
[00:50] VS: -180 fpm
[00:50] FOB: 2593 lbs
[00:50] Heading: 271°
[00:50] Pitch: 3°
[00:50] Bank: 0°
[00:50] Aircraft Weight: 9783.90 lbs
[00:50] Nearest Airport: 52S
[00:50] Distance: 0.01 miles
[00:50] Runway: 26 - 52S
[00:50] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[00:50] Ground Condition: Normal
[00:50] NOTE: Weather Report
[00:50] Wind Heading: 345°
[00:50] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[00:50] OAT: 9° C
[00:50] TAT: 10° C
[00:50] Precipitation: None
[00:50] Dew Point: 0° C
[00:50] Visibility: 62 miles
[00:50] METAR: KMSO 190553Z AUTO 34004KT 10SM CLR 18/08 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP105 T01830078 10300 20178 51023
[00:50] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[00:50] NOTE: Taxi started
[00:51] Flaps: Position 1
[00:53] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[00:54] Flaps: Position 0
[00:54] GS: 81 knots
[00:54] TAS: 82 knots
[00:54] IAS: 77 knots
[00:54] VS: 499 fpm
[00:54] Recovery: Flight Saved
[01:08] Flaps: Position 1
[01:08] GS: 101 knots
[01:08] TAS: 102 knots
[01:08] IAS: 96 knots
[01:08] VS: -123 fpm
[01:09] Flaps: Position 2
[01:09] GS: 101 knots
[01:09] TAS: 101 knots
[01:09] IAS: 96 knots
[01:09] VS: -438 fpm
[01:11] NOTE: ----- LANDED -----
[01:11] Landing Rate: -86.89 fpm
[01:11] GS: 66 knots
[01:11] TAS: 65 knots
[01:11] IAS: 62 knots
[01:11] VS: -88 fpm
[01:11] FOB: 2454 lbs
[01:11] Heading: 294°
[01:11] Pitch: 5°
[01:11] Bank: 1°
[01:11] Aircraft Weight: 9645.11 lbs
[01:11] Nearest Airport: KMSO
[01:11] Distance: 0.46 miles
[01:11] Runway: 29 - KMSO
[01:11] Ground Surface: Asphalt
[01:11] Ground Condition: Normal
[01:11] NOTE: Weather Report
[01:11] Wind Heading: 345°
[01:11] Wind Speed: 0 knots
[01:11] OAT: 9° C
[01:11] TAT: 10° C
[01:11] Precipitation: None
[01:11] Dew Point: 0° C
[01:11] Visibility: 62 miles
[01:11] METAR: KMSO 190553Z AUTO 34004KT 10SM CLR 18/08 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP105 T01830078 10300 20178 51023
[01:11] View Mode: Virtual Cockpit
[01:15] Engine 1: Stopped
[01:15] Engine 2: Stopped
[01:15] Distance to Arrival: 0.29 miles
[01:15] Gate: 1 - KMSO
[01:15] NOTE: Flight Completed
[01:15] FS Aircraft: Aerosoft DHC-6 Series 300 AKLAK AIR
[01:15] FS Model: DHC6
[01:15] FS Type: DeHavilland
[01:15] FOB: 2445 lbs
[01:15] Fuel Used: 310 lbs
[01:15] Flight Time: 00:45:58
[01:15] Flight Time (Dawn): 00:00:00
[01:15] Flight Time (Day): 00:45:58
[01:15] Flight Time (Dusk): 00:00:00
[01:15] Flight Time (Night): 00:00:00
[01:15] Total Landings: 2
[01:15] MaxSim Rate: 1x
[01:15] Cigar Box -
[01:15] ----- Flight Closed -----
Route Map